20 Time of Year Species Where Significant Site 4. Meadow/Marshland Moles (from fresh mole hills) 2 Common lizards April Great crested newt April Swallowtailed moth larvae (Ourapteryx sambucaria) April Hawker dragonfly (A. cyanea) Oct. Grasshoppers — common green (Omocestus viridulus) meadow (Chorthippus parallelus) Oct. Roesel's bush cricket (Metrioptera roeselii) Oct. Spider (Araneus quadratus) Oct. Meadow brown butterfly (Maniola jurtina) July 4. Evidence of Species Interdependence The animals are entirely dependent upon the plants for their existence either directly, or indirectly through other animals which in turn are vegetarian. An example of the basic group of vegetarians seen in this study range from the aphids on the oak leaves to the fallow deer that browse the vegetation. Such vegetarians provide food for the next group — the carni- vores. These again were seen to vary much in structure and biological position. Some were small, like the predacious ground beetles and these in turn may be preyed on by the larger carnivores such as foxes. A third important