24 spear, I shall, for its peculiarity, pitch upon one of the smallest, if not the very smallest of all of the Gnat—kind, which I call Culex minimus nigricans maculatus sanguisuga. Among us in Essex they are called Nidiots, by Mouffet Midges. It is about one tenth of an inch, or somewhat more long with short antennae, plain in the female, in the male feather'd, somewhat like a Bottle-brush. ' It is spotted with blackish spots especially on the wings, which extend a little beyond the body. It comes from a slender Eel like worn, of a dirty white colour, swimming in stagnating waters by a wrigling motion. Its Aurelia (pupa) is small, with a black head, little short horns, and a spotted, slender rough belly. It lies quietly on the top of the water, now and then gently wagging itself this way and that. These Gnats are greedy Blood—suckers, and very troublesome where numerous, as they are in some places near the Thames, particular in the Breach waters that have lately befallen near us, in the Parish of Dagenham; where I found them so vexatious, that I was glad to get out of those Marshes. Yea, I have seen horses so stung with them that they have 'had drops of blood all over their bodies, where they were wounded by them." Exactly two hundred years elapsed before a more precise description than that of Derham was published of the larva and pupa of any species of Culicoides.