29 have commented on some of the observations, and these notes are bracketed. 20.2.1932 On ramble from Theydon to High Beach, visited badger earth at Broadstrood. Four deer seen near Wake Valley Pond. 22.2.1932 Have recently observed daily movement of gulls. Eastwards in morning and westwards at dusk. Are they roosting on the reservoirs of the Lea Valley? 27.2.1932 Three snipe at Luxborough Lane; Little owl on embankment near loop line. (This refers to the embankment between Roding Valley and Chigwell Stations.) 6.3.1932 Visited marsh at Passingford Bridge; large numbers of snipe here. Redpolls and siskins feeding on the alders here. 1.5.1932 Found new badger holt near Goldings Hill. (There were a number of badger setts in Epping Forest in the 1930's.) 1.6.1932 Pair of red—backed shrike seen near pond at Monkhams, Buckhurst Hill. 12.6.1932 Red—backed shrike nesting with two eggs in nest; both perch on telephone wires. (He also noted a spotted orchid, presumably common, on the railway embankment.)