30 23.10.1932 Stonechat at Chigwell Sewage Farm. 6.11.1932 Green sandpiper along the Roding. 4.12.1932 Large flock of lapwings on the river -fields from Chigwell to Abridge. Saw a magpie for the first time in our district at the Abridge Sewage Farm. (Magpies are now extremely. common in this part of Essex.) 28.1.1933 ...Weather very hard. River -frozen over. Talked to gunners at the Sewage Farm and was shown a dabchick shot in the river. 12.2.1933 Red squirrel seen at Debden Green. 12.3.1933 Pair of Goosander on Connaught Waters; there since 9th March. First record for Epping Forest. 26.3.1933 Put un 24 snipe from small marsh by the swimming bath at Abridge. 15.4.1933 Red-legged partridge seen on Watts plough land. (This was part of Monkhams Farm shortly before the land was purchased and built over.) 18.4.1933 Wheatear at Chigwell Sewage Farm. 22.4.1933 Yellow wagtails on Watts plough land. 23.4.1933 Nightingale at Squirrels Lane. (This lane connected Lords Bushes, Buckhurst Hill, via Luxborough Lane,