31 with Chigwell: it was, before it was largely destroyed, a fine ancient green lane.) 21.5.1933 Red-backed shrike at Chigwell Sewage Farm. 28.5.1933 Found redshanks at Abridge; at least two pairs of adults ...whinchats on the river fields at Chigwell Lane. 13.6.1933 At least three families of whinchats at Chigwell Sewage Farm, in all 15-16 birds. 17.6.1933 Red-backed shrike and lesser Whitethroat at Fairmead. 23.7.1933 With Ward to Wake Valley Pond, saw sundews, bladderwort and sweet rush; also fine views of adult and young redstarts. (Bernard Ward, a friend of Mr. McKenzie Smith was later a verderer of Epping Forest, with a good all round knowledge of its natural history.) 17.9.1933 Saw Wheatear at High Beach. 23.9.1933 Saw man fishing water—lilies out of the Roding for sale to gardeners. 14.10.1933 Pair of stonechats at Sewage Farm. 18.11.1933 Two green sandpipers on the Roding, jack snipe and common snipe at Sewage Farm; also two cock