32 stonechats and barn owl. Hundreds of reed buntings and -fifty pied wagtails resting in reeds at basin pond. (This pond was situated by Luxborough Lane.) 26.11.1933 Water Rail at Sewage Farm. 1.1.1934 Bought curlew (6d.) and redshank (2d.) at Leadenhall Market. (This London market specialised in the sale of game. Later Mr. McKenzie Smith also noted water rail, heron, moorhen and dunlin for sale here! Although not local, I included this entry for its interest.) 15.4.1934 Cuckoo and four Wheatears at Chigwell Sewage Farm. 25.6.1934 Pair of green sandpipers at Chigwell Sewage Farm, four families of whinchats and a pair of turtle doves. 26.12.1934 Hooded crow on Watts plough land. 19.1.1935 Flock of 2-3000 lapwings and thirty-nine golden plover at Thornwood. 20.1.1935 Hooded crow still on Roding Meadows. 20.4.1935 Black tern hawking over Navestock Lake ... Heard first nightingale in Ongar Park Woods. 11.5.1935 Heard landrail at Chigwell on Sewage