34 taking place regularly, there were just 10 bats hibernating at this site. This year saw 38 bats - mainly Daubenton's but also Natterer's and Brown Long—Eareds — making this site second only to Westerham's 59 in order of importance in the south-east of England. During the same period, 9 bats of the same three species were counted at an ice-house in central Essex. Spring opened with two more records of Leisler's bats from Terling and Hutton be-fore the -first house complaint of 14 Serotines at Abberton, where a Hobby was seen to harass Noctule bats one evening. A record count of 45 Serotines was made at South Woodham Ferrers in May, followed by another county record of 41 Leisler's at Aveley. The Pipistrelle season started in June and numbers seemed to be about 8% better than last year, although this was based on a small sample of counts. The large roost at Maldon contained 694 bats and that at Little Baddow 656, before declining to 440 on the evening of the E.F.C. field meeting. Here, about 20 members and friends got a crick in their necks, looking skywards to count emerging bats. Another county record was achieved with 22 Brown Long—Eared bats at Gosfield in July in a former stable-block that had been occupied for years judging by the carpet of droppings on the floor of the attic. Other late summer records included breeding of Leisler's bats at both Danbury and Collier Row, with an additional record coming from South Ockendon. Finally, a project was undertaken to revisit houses that had been sprayed with permethrin in the previous three years. In all cases, evidence