41 some quantity along the edge of the causeway that cuts off the large lagoon at the north- west corner of Hanningfield Reservoir. In October he checked on the plants again and found the mericarps were mature enough to be certain on dissection that the subspecies was occidentalis, the only one found sop far in Britain. Unfortunately the mericarps on the Kelvedon Hatch' plants all dropped off before they were mature enough to dissect out of their covering envelope to check their morphology, but the fact that they aborted so readily suggests they are the same subspecies. C. truncata has a southern distribution in Britain enclosed by the 60° F July mean isotherm, its main stronghold being in the east midlands (Notts., Lincs. and Leics.), where it has been recorded from some thirteen 10 km squares. Apart from a stable pocket in Somerset, however, the rest of its localities (in Kent and Sussex) are sporadic and pre- carious. I would think it more likely that our Essex plants have been introduced from the nearby continent by migrating water birds than from elsewhere in the U.K. Having established a foothold it will no doubt turn up elsewhere in the county. Look out for a Callitriche with small reddish-green leaves and lacking an emergent rosette. KEN ADAMS