46 BIRD GROUP MEETING AND A.G.M., MILL GREEN, 12TH JUNE, 1988 The traditional visit to Mill Green this year was completed in much better weather than on previous occasions. Whilst we did not see the Tree Pipit or Little Owl which had been present for the past year or two, 26 species were recorded, including Blackcap, Whitethroat and Wood Warbler. Surprise of the. day was a Great Spotted Woodpecker nest in a tree stump no more than three feet above the ground. The parent bird was seen but unfortunately was aware of our presence and did not visit the nest. Items of botanical interest observed included Crested Cow—Wheat, Alder Buckthorn, Geranium dissectum and Heath Bedstraw. After lunch the Group A.G.M. was held in Fryerning Parish Rooms. Nine members were present and were delighted that Michael Parker was in the Chair. Following the preliminary business of the meeting, there was a report of the 8 field trips during the year when the average attendance was 10 and a total of 84 species was recorded: a decrease on previous years. The officers elected for the next 12 months were Chairman — M. Parker: Secretary - J. Bath: Committee Members — June Exley and Margaret Vernon, who is also Group Representative on Council. Discussions took place on possible venues for future meetings and the problems of poor attendance and the Chairman described the difficulties he experiences as Membership Secretary in collecting subscriptions. JOHN BATH