56 On making our way back towards the Roding several Wild Service trees were found on the north-west corner of the wood, and a patch of Sneezewort turned up in the marshy meadow. The next field east of the wood was arable fallow, and we turned up both species of Kickxia (Fluellen), together with the rosette forming liverwort Riccia sorocarpa, and the ubiquitous mosses Bryum rubens, Pottia truncata, and Dicranella staphylina. On the bank of the stream the large thalloid liverwort Conocephalum conicum was located (very local in Essex), as was Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) , and some very large Spindleberry bushes (Euonymus). Two fields further on we turned south and investigated another small wood. This had an alder patch on its eastern margin with magnificent shuttlecocks of both Male and Broad—Buckler ferns, and in the south—west corner of the wood, which was otherwise mainly run—down hornbeam coppice, several Wild Service trees were located. On reaching the road the party split into two, the drivers risking their necks to get back to Langford bridge and collect the cars, the fast traffic being rather a hazard along such a narrow road. KEN ADAMS