57 BIRD GROUP MEETING, OLD HALL, TOLLESBURY, 18TH SEPTEMBER, 1988 The RSPB Reserve at Old Hall Marsh was, at the time, their most expensive purchase ever and was expected, after a few years, to rival Minsmere in popularity. To date I regret to say there is little evidence to suggest that this will ever be so. There are few obvious signs of management, no hides, and at the time of our visit, water levels were so low that most waders and marsh loving birds would be looking elsewhere, so, although a dozen or so members enjoyed the walk on a very pleasant September day. and a total of 36 species were seen, most would only rank as commonplace and several of these were in fact in the adjoining creeks. The only ones worthy of mention were numerous whinchats on the fences and yellow wagtails. Taken all round, a disappointing venue for the "birder" at present. JOHN BATH FUNGUS FORAY, 2ND OCTOBER, 1988 This year the fungus foray was held in Hatfield Forest, a little later in the year than usual. Unfortunately, Colin Plant was unable to lead it, so it was led by myself (Martin Gregory). The weather was warm and sunny all day.