59 Lactarius pyrogalus and Lactarius cir- cellatus looked somewhat similar, but when a drop of their milk was placed on a piece of glass and potassium hydroxide added, for L. circellatus there was no change, and for L. pyrogalus the milk changed to orange yellow. Schizophyllum commune is a bracket fungus with a fleecy upper surface and pseudo gills growing on dead wood. It is mainly found in the south-east of England. It was the first time I had seen it. A number of small, grey and brown toadstools were seen, but not identified or collected. MARTIN GREGORY BIRD GROUP MEETING, WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE, 9TH OCTOBER, 1988 Regretfully another ill-fated meeting at which three intrepid members braved winds and continuous rain. Most of the birds had better sense and stayed well under cover, but a few waders were seen including Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Redshank and Dunlin. We also saw a lone Wheatear and were surprised to hear a Skylark bravely "singing in the rain". The total number of species recorded was only 20, when the meeting was cut short without the visit to Holland Haven. JOHN BATH