61 which live in a wood near the near rail link at Elsenham. The very bank they live in was dug when the original railway was built in the end of last century so modern workings may not worry them too much. I suspect they will continue living in the area with the stoical indifference of their race, providing they still have access to their nearby meadows to feed. Their route to this area is via an underpass on the M11 motorway, again a noisy obstacle on their doorstep which they nave accepted as part of the Essex scene. DAVID SCOTT P.S. A hare was observed running across a field near the badger sett. MYXOMYCETE HUNT, 30TH OCTOBER, 1988 We gathered at the Epping Forest Conservation Centre car park. A brief introduction was given to Myxomycetes, including their life cycle, and some specimens were handed round. We then went into the Forest and looked for Myxomycetes between the back of the Centre and the main road, near where a path for handicapped people was being built. There were many large rotting beech logs which yielded a good supply of specimens, and we only went a few minutes walk from the Centre before it was time to return for lunch. Lunch was eaten at the Centre or in the local pub.