15 i. Does the elm circle at Hempstead still survive and was it definitely used for cock-fighting into the 19th century? 2. Can anyone tell me anything about the Smugglers Elms at Paglesham? I have read that smugglers hid their contraband there, but I wondered if their reai use was as boundary pollards. 3. Has the great elm (a hybrid elm) of Great Saling Green survived Dutch elm disease? If so, what is its girth? At one time it measured over 221/2 feet. 4. Is there any information about the Lion Tree at Maldon? I have a photograph of this tree. It looks to me rather like an elm, but I Know nothing else about it. 5. I would particularly appreciate information about what must have been a massive elm near Leigh. The tree, known as Adam's Elm, is marked on the Chapman and Andre map of 1777 and survived (as Allen's or Ellen's elm) into the early 19th century. I imagine it was an ancient English Elm. There must be an old engraving or some other details of its size and origin. Please forward any information to me at:— 28 Sylvan Road, For est Gate, London, E7 3BN. MARK HANSON