l8 REPORTS OF MEETINGS BIRD GROUP MEETING, FISHERS GREEN, SUNDAY 29TH JANUARY, 1989 A foggy, grey morning bode ill -for this Bird Group meeting. However, 7 members (including a new member of the Club, Alan Spicer) met at the car park. Several other members had intimated their intention to be present, but were absent due, no doubt, to the adverse weather conditions, and to those we offer our condolences as the day eventually proved to be the best yet at this venue. Two Lee Valley Park Rangers, Jill and Peg, met the group, and Jill gave an introductory talk, explaining how the natural aspect of the park had evolved and how future management will further enhance the area. She also gave some information on the bird life present. There were booklets for sale and free leaflets, some of which gave information on the very interesting day courses covering a wide range of activities which were available on booking. Having thanked the Rangers we decided that as the fog was still too thick for birdwatching we would take a look at the Lee Valley Park Countryside Centre at Waltham Abbey. Although quite small the displays were interesting and the "shop" well stocked with everything for the naturalist from bird seed to books. Leaving the Centre we were greeted with sunshine, which lifted our spirits considerably and we headed back to the original venue to get down to some serious 'birding'.