22 Other migrants seen were Sedge Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Swallow and Yellow Wagtail and we heard the unmistakeable song of a Grasshopper Warbler. In total 36 species were seen and 1 heard- Two surprising things were the large number of Yellowhammers seen feeding with mixed flocks of Finches and Sparrows and the absence of the Chiffchaff. JOHN BATH BIRD GROUP MEETING, DANBURY COMMON, "12TH MAY, 1989 It was a cold, dull, windy evening on the Common so that very few birds were actually seen, but despite this the air was full of bird songs. The eight people attending identified 14 species during an hour long stroll. These were: Cuckoo, Robin, Whitethroat, willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Wren, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Greenfinch, Linnet, Yellow- hammer, Woodpecker (Lesser Spotted ?) and, most important, the Nightingale. Certainly two different birds were heard, one in particular treating us to all the variations and richness of its song and alone making the meeting well worthwhile. JOHN BATH