23 BIRD GROUP MEETING, HILL GREEN - DAMN CHORUS, SUNDAY., 28TH MAY, 1989 Six members met outside the Cricketers P.H. at Mill Green Common. It was a dry, chilly morning and only 3.30 a.m.! The first bird to be heard was a Robin at 3.40 a.m. followed by:- 3.45 Mallard 3.50 Song Thrush " Cuckoo 3.57 Blackbird 3.58 Woodpigeon 4.04 Canada Goose 4.05 Willow Warbler Wren 4.06 Blue Tit 4.10 Tawny Owl 4.20 Blackcap 4.25 Whitethroat 4.35 Chaffinch 4.50 Crow, Starling, Magpie, Long-tailed Tit (seen on telegraph wire), Collared Dove, Swift 5.00 Greenfinch It was disappointing yet again not to hear the sound of a Nightingale, but I suppose this was asking too much. However we will persevere. Thanks to those intrepid members who managed to leave their beds and who no doubt crawled back in again after being half frozen in the bracken of Mill Green Common. MARGARET VERNON