24 ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS 27.1.89 Hen Whinchat at Tilbury Power Station A. Gudgion 29.3.89 Swallow North Fambridge J. Friedlein 30.3.89 Yellow Wagtail J. Friedlein 2.5.89 Cuckoo heard North Fambridge J. Friedlein Mr. Friedlein also comments on the very low numbers of Whimbrel in the Fambridge area this spring. Members are asked to let me have details of any records or observations they consider to be of interest. JOHN BATH A BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF WANSTEAD PARK As we have a Bird Group Meeting at the park on 12th November, I thought I would write a short pen picture of the area. Wanstead Park forms part of Epping Forest and was once the -formal grounds of the Great Wanstead House. Today it consists of one hundred and forty acres of which about seventy acres Are