27 General Meetings included talks by Mr. John Hunter on "Maediaeval Landscapes" and by Mr. Knowles on "South Weald Park". Epping Forest was the venue for successful pond dipping, and we also met there to look for grasshoppers and insects. Duck Wood was visited for hawfinches, Bradwell for moth trapping, and Hatfield Forest for the annual Fungus Foray. The traditional Boxing Day Ramble was the last event of the year. At the A.G.M. in March, Mr. John Tollfree was thanked for the nine years he had served the Club as Treasurer. He had resigned because of business committments. Mr. John Bath, who had served as Ordinary Member of Council for three years, was elected Treasurer. Mr. Roy Edmunds was elected Ordinary Member, but had to resign in September. During the year Council elected Professor Ingold and Mr. Michael Parker Honorary Life Members. A highlight of the year was the publication of Dr. Ted Benton's Naturalist on "Dragonflies of Essex", produced on the new computer. Mr. Tony Boniface edited two issues of the Bulletin. After being the Macro-lepidoptera Recorder for several years, Mr. G. Pyman resigned and has been succeeded by Mr. B. Goodey. On 31st December, 1988 membership was 287. SHEILA LESWELL