1 WINTER 1989/1990 NUMBER 40 EDITORIAL May I wish all our members a very happy New Year. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed articles and reports throughout last year and Sheila Leswell -for her behind the scenes work of typing and drafting the Bulletin. As you will have received your 1990 Programme I hope you will agree with me that the events and venues are as varied as ever, which for me is the main reason for being a member of the Field Club. I have been reading some of the old Bulletins, given to Margaret and me by Mildred Parker, and have found them fascinating; in fact I will be including some of the articles in future editions. In this issue I have chosen the report of a storm-petrel in Epping Forest in 1956. I hope to involve every nature reserve warden and countryside ranger in Essex in the Bulletin by asking them to contribute articles on the history and natural history of their area. Finally, the war cry of every editor: remember that this is the members' Bulletin and every member can make a contribution be it learned