4 PLANTLIFE On 24th November, 19S9 I attended a reception hasted by David Bellamy at the Natural History Museum of a new organisation to conserve plants. The enthusiasm of the team of organisers will be greatly needed to overcome the desperate situation both in this country and worldwide. As members of this group we must try to save individual species and habitats before it is too late. 1. Save the Flow Country from being planted with conifers. 2. Save the ponies of the New Forest to ensure grazing maintains the habitat. 3. Save the Blackwater and Fin/Lacky River- Valleys in Ireland from dredging and straightening. 4. Save the Northern Corries on Cairngorm from extended ski facilities. 5. Save the Norfolk Broads from pollution and damage by motor cruisers. Since records were first kept at least 22 species of plants have become extinct: 10 of them in the 1960's and 1970'5. The British Red Data Book lists 317 threatened species of flowering plants. Plantlife can save them if enough people who care join. Help them promote changes in agricultural policy; save the remaining 3% of botanically interesting meadows; save the remaining 50% of ancient woodland; save the remaining 25% of our