5 heathland; save the remaining 40% of lowland raised bogs, many of which have been damaged by peat cutting. Every natural historian, botanist and gardener can help by: 1. Joining PLANTLIFE and becoming part of our crusade for plants. 2. Campaigning to save areas for wildflowers in your town or village. 3. Leaving part of your garden for native plants 4. Using compost instead of peat in your garden 5. Only buying plants that have been propagated in nurseries and avoid super— market cyclamens, fritillaries, snowdrops, snowflakes and dwarf irises which may have been dug up in the wild in Turkey. 6. Learning to identify wildflowers in your area and monitor their status. Plantlife can help change the opinion of many of our politicians and judges who rate plants as second-rate species. In June 1989 Henry Azadehdel was sentenced to a year's prison for smuggling and dealing in endangered slipper orchids. The court of appeal reduced it to six weeks! In 1989 the Government decided to reduce its grant to Kew Gardens by half, thereby jeopardising this unique collection. Work on building two superstores on a Berkshire meadowland S.S.S.I, has started after the