6 Secretary of State for the Environment failed to intervene after the local planning authority had granted planning permission for the development. Many other S.S.S.I.s are at risk. We can help save them if enough people show they care. Write for details to: Plantlife c/o The Conservation Foundation 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR. Telephone 01-823 8842- TONY BONIFACE ARE YOUR PEANUTS SAFE? During the recent cold spell I expect many of you, like us, started to put out peanuts for the birds. But how do you know if they are safe and not killing the very birds you are trying to help. I recently contacted the R.S.P.B. Headquarters and they passed me on to their suppliers, C. J. Wildbird Foods Ltd. This was most interesting and provided a satisfactory answer. Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxin found in all peanuts. A safe level for birds if now agreed to be 10 parts per billion. Fifty