16 been passed to the taxidermist for attention and it is hoped to have it on exhibition. BERNARD T. WARD" ESSEX FIELD CLUB NOTE BOOK Hoverfly new to Essex I took a single male specimen of the hoverfly Epistrophe diaphana (Zett.) from Yardley Hill, Epping Forest in June this year. This fly is a typical black and yellow 'Syrphus' type hoverfly. It is only rarely recorded in Britain but can be locally frequent where it occurs. Steven Falk, of the Nature Conservancy Council, who confirmed the identity of the specimen, also said it was the first record for Essex. This brings the Essex post-1970 list to 162 species, with the total for the county (including pre-1970 records) to 175 species. (See R. G. Payne, A Provisional Atlas of the Hoverflies of Essex, 1989, Essex Biological Record Centres Publication No. 7. This booklet should be available from Essex B.R.Cs.) Essex Specimens in Sheffield City Museums Glancing through a copy (1981) of the Sorby record (Natural History Journal of the Sheffield area), I found an article about the collections in the Sheffield City Museums and noted they have in their collections sub- stantial numbers of W. H. Harwood's specimens