17 from the following groups: Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and Crickets) Hymenoptera (Bees and Wasps) Other Orders (True-bugs, Dragonflies) W. H. Harwood was a well-known Colchester entomological dealer. He also contributed the insect section to the Victoria County History (1903). It seems that many of these specimens are from Essex. Anyone working on these groups may find it useful to contact Sheffield City Museums for information at Weston Park, Sheffield, S10 2TP. Swan Wood, Near Stock The Woodland Trust has recently launched an appeal to purchase this 32 acre ancient woodland near Stock. The wood has much hornbeam and hazel coppice with oak, ash and birch. Wood anemone and yellow archangel also occur. To pay for the wood the Woodland Trust needs £106,250. Already a grant aid of £43,000 has been made available by Chelmsford Borough Council and Stock Parish Council. The Woodland Trust would appreciate any donations to safeguard the future of this wood. Woodland Trust, Autumn Park, Brantham, Lincolnshire, NS31 6LL. (The wood is at grid ref. TQ 688 993.) Fly New to Essex During the successful open day at Duck Wood Nature Reserve, Havering, a number of interesting flies were noted on a sap-run on a