18 Horse Chestnut in the wood. They included Mycetobia pallipes Mg., Aulacigaster leucopeza (Mg.) a Systenus sp. and an extremely rare fly Odinia hendeli Col., otherwise only known in Britain from Kent and Cambridgeshire. Essex seems to be a good county for these small flies (Ordiniidae). They are all rare, but Odinia meijerei Col. has been found at Buckhurst Hill and in Dagnam Park (D. A. Smith). Odinia boletina (Zett.) is known also from Dagnam Park and Brian Cogan formerly of the Natural History Museum described Odinia pomona Cogan from specimens taken at Danbury in Essex in 1968. Thus Essex has four of the six species known in this family. Rainham Marsh - Latest Developments It has been widely reported in the national press recently about a proposed major development at Rainham, Wennington and Aveley Marshes, situated in the Borough of Havering and some in Thurrock. The total site covers ca. 1,600 acres of a diverse mosaic of habitat types including prime quality Thames grazing marsh, si It—dredging lagoons, rough grassland and an area of refuse landfill. Some parts of the land are owned by the M.O.D. and are used as a rifle range. The development on this site would be in the form of a film and television studio complex with associated industrial, commercial and residential areas. An American-style "theme park" would also be included. The developed site would be of a significant size. I would estimate it would cover about 1,000 acres.