21 If anyone has any items of interest for inclusion in this column in future editions of the Bulletin would they please send them to:— Adrian Vernon 2 Keepers Lodge Wanstead Park, London, Ell 2LT BIRD NOTES FROM NORTH FAMBRIDGE Our small dairy -farm is 600 yards north of the River Crouch and we own 25 acres of the adjoining Saltmarsh which is flooded by the tide twice daily. We have excavated a small pond about 60 yards south of our cowsheds which extends 30 yards north to south and 15 yards from east to west. It is half full of water with bare mud all round. Six acres of the Saltmarsh have been reclaimed south of our grazing fields. On September 2nd I saw a snipe fly off due south with, on its right, a similar bird with a pure white rump and back. They flew over the earth bank bordering the field in under three seconds. Never having seen the latter before we were on the alert for further sightings which became an every day event, sometimes three times a day, and always the same flying due south over the bank and out of sight in three seconds with the snipe on its left. We could never study on the mud, as we approached they would be off. I hoped to arrange for Mr. Pyman of the E.N.T. to see the bird but from