within a week. By the first week of October numbers were down to an odd dozen now and then. A pair of Barn Owls nested on the edge of our land north of the farm and another has been seen three miles north-east at Mayland. A pair of Kestrels are here regularly but we fear that their nest in a thicket was destroyed. Further notes: August 30th 2 Grey Wagtails; October 7th Chiffchaff in full song; October 9th Green Woodpecker and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker; October 11th Firecrest seen at 4 foot range feeding on Berberis. Now we await the arrival of Redwing and Fieldfare any day. Final thought - a contributory factor to the bird scarcity is the almost unrestricted increase in the Magpie population. Unless something is done about this there will be no decent birds left. J. FRIEDLEIN AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE RECORDS, 1989 The amphibian year began with a pond dipping meeting in Epping Forest on 8th April when I was asked to help with an E.N.T. "Watch Group" meeting. The Fairmead pond produced several Common Newts and from a smaller pond nearby three Great Crested Newts were netted. Back at the Conservation Centre pond, Common and