25 vocal sacs with which they call the Females to mate in May. This loud chorus lasts for some six weeks, mid-April to the end of May. These frogs are introduced from continental stock and I would be interested to hear of any more occurrences. May I thank members who have sent in records of Amphibians and Reptiles in the past and urge more to do so in particular -for the current year. DAVID SCOTT Court Hill Church Lane Little Leighs Chelmsford, Essex. PURPLE SANDPIPERS AT HOLLAND HAVEN On a trip to Walton—on-the—Nase in late November with another society we saw a good variety of birds including red—throated diver, short—eared owl, rock pipit and long close views of twite As is often the case, at Walton after a long walk in search of the short-eared owl one was flying over the car park on our return. After our packed lunch we went to Holland Haven in search of the purple sandpipers that usually winter around the outfall. Arriving at the car park we found the place crowded with fishermen, Wildfowlers and families. However,