32 fungi, Roger Phillips' photographic guide "Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe" remains the best buy. Marcel Bon's "Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe" published by Hodder and Stoughton at £8.95 has good colour drawings and descriptions of many species. It also contains some keys. TONY BONIFACE NEW MEMBER Since the last Bulletin the following new member has joined the Club:- Mrs. V. C. Danson of South Benfleet. We welcome her and wish her many happy days with us. MILDRED PARKER HAVE YOU SEEN IKI? During a recent Bird Group meeting a member suggested that we could include in the Bulletin amusing stories from members regarding natural history and field trips. I won't spoil his tale, but it did remind me of something that happened to me at Colne Point E.N.T. Reserve a few years ago.