33 It was autumn, and Margaret and I were bird- watching on the reserve. We had been in a hide watching a greenshank. There was another man in the hide when we left. As we were walking back to our car a young birdwatcher came rushing over, asking "Have you seen IKI?" I said, "There is a man in the hide over there, but I don't know what his name is." I thought the lad gave me a funny look and then rushed on. I later discovered that 'IKI' is in fact the twitcher's term -for the rare icterine warbler. I hung my head in shame. If you have any amusing stories, please send them to me and I'll put them in the Bulletin. ADRIAN VERNON An elderly lady from Stock Had a yellow—necked mouse in her clock. When it started to chime He called out the time And gave the old dear quite a shock. JULIETTE LESWELL Any more natural history limericks based on Essex? We should like to hold a competition, and the best limericks will be printed in the Bulletin. Entries to the Editor by 1st May, please.