34 REPORTS OF MEETINGS GENERAL MEETING AT ROXWELL, 16TH APRIL, 1989 A meeting was held at Roxwell in conjunction with the "Roxwell Revealed" exercise, a year long survey of village wildlife. The Field Club's brief was to examine ponds in the area. The weather was cold and windy with some rain which kept much of the wildlife out of sight. We first examined the stretch of the Roxwell brook running through the village. Then on foot moved to visit two ponds at Tye Hall Farm, where the farmer, Mr. Heywood, showed us round. From here the party drove by car to Skreens Park, where, after some further pond dipping, lunch was taken by the lake. In the afternoon a circular footpath walk was taken to explore some small woods and look at one more small pond. Fallow Deer and Badger tracks were found in the area and a list of aquatic species is given as fol lows:- Triturus vulgaris (Common Newt) 3 in Tye Hall Pond Hirudinea 2 species of leech (1 in stream and 1 in lake) Crustacea In lake and stream - Asellus aquaticus - Water Louse In stream — Gammarus pulex — Freshwater Shrimp