35 Insecta (Ethemeroptera) - Mayflies Septophlebia marginata Cloeon dipterum Odanata — Dragonflies 1 Unidentified species from lake. Hemiptera — Bugs 2 species of Corixa - Boatman 1 species of Notonecta - Boatman Gerris lacustris — Skaters All in the farm pond. Trichoptera - Caddisflies 1 Limnephilid from the lake 1 Caseless Hydropsychid from the lake outfall stream. Coleoptera - Beetles 2 Species from farm pond Diptera - Two-winged Flies Species in major subfamilies Chironornidae Orthocladiinae Hydracarina Various water mites were seen Hollusca Lymnaea stagnalis - Great Pond Snail — lake Physa tontinalis - Bladder Snail - Roxwell brook Lymnaea auricularia - Ear Pond Snail — lake Anodonta cygnea - Swan Mussel - lake