36 Pisidium amnicum River Pea Shell - in Roxwell brook. D. R. SCOTT A. WALENTOWICZ BIRD GROUP MEETING, MILL GREEN WOODS, 11TH JUNE, 1989 Eleven members attended this annual meeting and for once the weather was kind to us. Unfor- tunately we did not see the Little Owl which had been present in recent years, perhaps because its usual tree had been damaged, but more surprisingly, the Tree Pipits, which have been present for many years on the common, were also missing. Only 22 species were recorded in walking from the Green to The Viper and back, and these included Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Wood Warbler, Jay, Tree Creeper, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Yellowhammer, Swallow and House Martin. Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Brimstone, Large White and Meadow Brown butterflies were seen and items of botanical interest noted were Common Cow Wheat, Heath Bedstraw, Wavy Hair Grass, Hairy Woodrush, Common Tormentil, Pignut and Lesser Stitchwort. Members then adjourned to the Parish Rooms for the Group A.G.M., the first to be held without the guiding hand of our late Chairman, Michael