37 Parker. The minutes of the last A.G.M. were agreed and signed and a report was made on the meetings of the last twelve months. The existing Committee was re-elected and Mrs. Boniface was appointed as the Group representative on Council. During general discussions suggestions were sought as to venues for the coming year and it was decided to endeavour to start meetings somewhat earlier in the day whenever possible. JOHN BATH BAT MEETING, MALDON, 23RD JUNE, 1989 On Friday, 23rd June, eight Field Club members met in Maldon for the annual "Bat Meeting". On this occasion every comfort was provided. The meeting took place at a bat roost, chairs were provided so that watchers would be comfortable, a choice of tea or coffee was available (served by the President!) together with a selection of biscuits. What a change this made from the Fungus Forays in the rain, or muddy walks looking for birds. In all a total of approximately 740 Pipi- strelles was counted leaving the roost. In addition, a Noctule flying overhead was identified using a bat detector and finally, 2 Brown Long—Eared bats were seen roosting in the roof of an outbuilding. All in all a most successful meeting. JOHN DOBSON