38 BOTANY GROUP MEETING, RAYNE RAILWAY LINE, 16TH JULY, 1989 The meeting was led by Tony Boniface, who suggested that we should walk westwards, towards Dunmow, rather than into Braintree as originally intended. This section of the railway line proved rather disappointing compared with that on the more chalky soil further west in the Dunmow area (see for example EFC Bulletin no. 24 Autumn 1981, p.11), and is suffering from enchroachment of scrub which threatens to convert the line into a uniform linear stretch of secondary woodland. However, there were some good finds. Perhaps the most interesting area was at Rayne Station itself. The railway track and sidings supported a number of plants of dry gravelly habitats, including Common Restharrow (Ononis repens) and Hare's-foot Clover (Trifolium arvense). There were also several noteworthy grasses: Fern—grass (Desmazeria rigida) was at the base of the wall of the station building and there was a large patch of Flattened Meadow-grass (Poa compressa) on the siding. We were able to compare Squirrel tail Fescue (Vulpia bromoides) with Rat's—tail Fescue (Vulpia myuros). The latter, normally considered to be much the less common of the two was in greater quantity, both at the station and along the line towards Dunmow. It seems to be increasing in this type of habitat, or has in the past been overlooked. Around the station buildings were several introduced species such as Green Alkanet (Pentaglottis sempervirens), Red Valerian