42 Autumn, Sunday morning. There was a slight chill to the air as we assembled in the car park where we were joined by two ladies who had seen our event advertised in the Essex Heritage Year programme and had decided to attend. The leader, Adrian Vernon, gave a short introductory talk on the area and what we were likely to see, especially in the way of migratory birds. We had only gone a -few yards when one member spotted a Green Woodpecker in the nearby field and this was soon followed by Yellow Wagtail and Whinchat. Wheatear and Golden Plover were in evidence as were Reed and Willow Warblers, Chiffchaff and Lesser White-throat. Traversing the sea wall we saw many Turnstone and were pleased to see Eiderduck. Wigeon, Common Scoter, Sanderling, and Common Sandpiper, among others. Around 40 species were seen during the meeting, although those who stayed into the late afternoon added to this list. No doubt Essex Heritage Year organisers will be pleased to know that this event, under their banner, was so successful and I will be for- warding a full list of our sightings to them far their records. MARGARET VERNON BIRD GROUP MEETING, FINGRINGHOE, 15TH OCTOBER, 1989 For the seven members who met at the E.N.T. Centre this was to prove a very pleasant day.