44 a Grey Wagtail. Gadwall and Shoveler were good winter visitors to see and others included Pochard, Tufted Duck, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Kingfisher, Heron, Crested and Little Grebe. On drier land were Blue, Great, Coal and Long-tailed Tits, Jay, Magpie, Crow (which -flock in the Park due to the public -feeding them!), Woodpigeon, Blackbird and a Green Woodpecker was heard. Members lunched in The Temple, the Garden House which belonged to Wanstead House (demolished in the 1830's). This is the building where the Conservators of Epping Forest meet and where their Annual Dinner is held. MARGARET VERNON SMALL MAMMAL TRAPPING IN WANSTEAD PARK Over the weekend of 18th—19th November club member Alf Gudgeon and his assistant conducted a small mammal survey in Wanstead Park. On Saturday evening 46 traps, mainly Longworth, were set in varying habitats as shown below. The weather was dry but cold. 8 traps in the dell - a normally wet area with mature trees and some brambles.