45 7 traps on the western edge of the grove - a mature woodland and open grassland border. 10 on the edge of the glade - border between young trees and open grassland. All the above locations are used by the public and their dogs. 11 around the feeding station - near the temple mainly brambles and young trees (scrub) 10 in Chalet Wood - a quiet young woodland with brambles. Nearly all the traps were set under brambles. Early next morning, having been joined by some of the local conservation group we went collecting the traps. Nothing at all had been caught in the grove and dell areas and we were all beginning to wonder if there were any small mammals in the park at all. However, when leaving the dell area Alf found the remains of a woodmouse in a large plastic lemonade bottle that someone had discarded. At last in the feeding station area we found our first small mammal, a woodmouse, followed by another three nearby. The glade produced only one sprung trap, but it contained a different species, a bank vole. Chalet Wood proved to be the best area with shrew, bank vole and a woodmouse. While no real conclusions can be drawn from such a limited survey I think it is fair to say that the small mammals keep away from the most disturbed areas.