46 46 traps set 8 sprung contained 5 Woodmice 2 bank voles 1 common shrew Only one animal was caught in areas disturbed by the public/dogs. All the mammals were released back into the park. Each trap contains bedding and food. Alf Gudgeon has agreed to come back again in the new year. If anyone would like to attend then please contact me. The date is not yet known, but you will have to be at Wanstead Park by 7.30 a.m. Alf is a real practical expert and has the gift of passing on his knowledge in an easy—going manner. Even though I have been mammal trapping before I found it exciting when a sprung trap was found and the mammal seen. I recommend going on the next trip. It's well worth the early start. ADRIAN VERNON OTHER MAMMALS SEEN IN WANSTEAD PARK IN 1989 Foxes and rabbits are a common sight in the park. The highlight this year was a report of two weasels seen by a member of the Wren Group. One weasel was standing still while the other ran around it in circles; presumably' a mating ritual. ADRIAN VERNON