At the A.G.M. in March Mrs. Mildred Parker became Membership Secretary, Mr. Adrian Vernon Editor of the Bulletin and Mrs. Margaret Vernon the first Publicity Officer. The Rev. David Agassiz and Mr. Martin Gregory were elected Ordinary Members of Council. Mr. John Bath agreed to be Bird Recorder. Later in the year Mr. and Mrs. Tony Boniface became Meetings Secretaries. A total of thirty-three meetings appeared on the programme. The Botany Group arranged eight events, including moss mapping, looking for myxomycetes and a botany workshop. Members who attended the Geology Group lecture by Mr. Howgate learnt a lot about Dinosaurs. Mammal Group members heard about seals in Britain from Dr. Anderson and badgers from Mr. Doveaston and Mr. Kourik, and during the year watched foxes, bats and small mammals while the red squirrels at Thetford Forest proved elusive yet again. For their ten meetings Bird Group members travelled about the county to visit different habitats, and a few rose before the sun for the dawn chorus in late May. General Meetings arranged were a visit to Duck Wood to look for hawfinches, moth trapping at Bradwell, pond dipping at Roxwell and the annual fungus foray. The audience were able to see birds at close quarters when Mr. Abbey gave a talk on Raptor Rescue. The Boxing Day ramble concluded the year's programme as usual.