9 plants, etc. She would also be prepared to act as informal Club Recorder for folklore. (There should be one before it all disappears!) Dr. J. H. Belcher, 23 Pepys Way, Girton, Cambridge, CB3 0PA. FUNGUS FORAY, 1939 It had been one of the driest summers and autumns in living memory and I was expecting there would be very few fungi in Epping Forest. We met it the Robin Hood, in Epping Forest, and then drove to Strawberry Hill, where we parked. We walked up the stream north-east of Straw— berry Hill and followed it to where we had some lunch, returning approximately the same way. We then drove to the Epping Forest Conservation Centre, where we named, labelled, laid out the specimens we had collected, and had a cup of tea. There was a weekend foray being run by Peter James of the Natural History Museum. We looked at what they had collected and they looked at our collection. Peter James also helped name some of our specimens.