12 Hypoxylon loweianus The asexual fruit bodies of this were found. It was the first time any of us had seen them. They grow on dead wood and look like small, reddish-brown pustules with short thick hairs coming out of them. MARTIN GREGORY WILDLIFE GARDENING Following the death of my father a couple of years ago, I decided to transform our vegetable patch into a wildlife garden. After waiting impatiently for the Purple Sprouting to yield its final crop I set forth with enthusiasm to dig the pond, without which no such garden is reputed to be complete. It was intended to be 9 ft. long by 7 ft. wide and 2 ft. deep, but by the time I had finished messing about 'with it the dimensions had shrunk to 8 ft. by 6 ft. by 1 ft. 6 ins. It was also two inches lower at one end than the other, which has been a problem ever since and has been a constant reminder of the old adage about the skills of the father skipping a generation ..... No matter, it was a pond. Or rather a pool; and I set about stocking it with plants, most of which, it must shamefully be admitted, came from ponds scattered about the countryside: Common Water Starwort and Water Cress from Farmbridge End; Curled Pondweed from Fryerning; Canadian Pondweed from Chignal