19 building stones and gemstones among others. This is in addition to research already Closed on modern birds and spiders, coelenterates, bryozoans, echinoderms and annelids. Research into land vertebrates except primates is now reduced to two people! Cuts to information bases and advisory services will also result, including important work on host-parasite catalogues and parasite identification. This will severely affect advice to Third World countries. Several members of staff who have built expertise in certain areas will be asked to change their interests completely. Another equally sad aspect of this restructuring concerns the fact that most of the staff remaining will be held at fixed curatorial or research assistant grades, giving no opportunity for promotion without a complete change of job. This has the effect of demoralising staff and dividing them into two distinct bands with little overlap between the two. Until now the Museum's strengths and individuality have laid in the blending of curation and research, with individuals understanding both and developing research careers from original employment as curators. Researchers need full knowledge of the collections. Curators will not be allowed to develop the scientific expertise or knowledge of the material in their care. Thus they will become unable to provide constructive support to visiting specialists. The Corporate Plan still has to be reviewed by the Office of Arts and Libraries and it may not