20 be too late to encourage to continue to uphold the Museum's international reputation for the excellence of care of its collections and the research which stems -from them. The support and views of colleagues in other institutions is being sought by the Museum's staff. Already a large group of researchers from the Open University has sent an open letter to the Director of the Museum and to the Guardian about the proposed plans. In this they emphasise the Museum's 'unique and unassailable role as a dedicated centre of primary taxonomic research'. They also point out that only 1 million of the 30 million living species have been described taxonomically, and that many unclassified organisms, such as some that spread disease and agricultural pests, have an important bearing on human health and agriculture.' Letters of concern should be sent to:- Your local M.P. The House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA. Rt. Hon. John MacGregor, Minister of Education and Science, Elizabeth House, York Road, London, SE1 7PH.