21 Sir Walter Bodmer, Chairman of the Trustees, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD. Rt. Hon. Richard Luce, Minister -For the Arts, Office of Arts and Libraries, Horse Guards Road, London, SW1F 3AL. LIST OF INSECTS FROM HATFIELD FOREST The following list of insects is taken from the records of R. M. Payne, D. A. Smith and M. W. Hanson. Mostly they are from the years 1960-19B2 and From the squares TL 5319, 5419 and 5420. Oliver Rackham, in his recent book (The Last Forest - The Story of Hatfield Forest, 1989, Dent), lists a few of the rarer insects found at Hatfield. Those having a special association with ancient wood—pastures, in particular the old trees, are mentioned, including two rare flies Astiosoma rufifrons and Paraclusia tigrina. The following preliminary list of certain groups and families includes records from a wide range of habitats, not only ancient trees but the lake—side, marsh, grassland, rides and other sites. Mecoptera Panorpa communis Panorpa germanica