30 infidels. Pisa had been a prosperous port in the 11th century, when together with the Genoese, they waged a victorious war against the Saracens and captured Sardinia, Corsica and the Balearic islands. Reluctantly we departed from Pisa, skirting Florence and crossing south of Perugia; climbing up near Spoleto under the cascading Marmara falls, which appeared to spill out of the night sky, Scheggino was finally reached. Trout were swimming freely in the stream outside the 'Albergo del Ponte' - others inside lay still, baked and stuffed with truffles next to flagons of white wine and an array of small pots of chocolate 'set-you-up'. The next day began with a visit to the Urbani organisation, which is responsible for 60%. of the world's truffle production. A tour was made of the nurseries where oak, hazelnut, willow, poplar and hornbeam had been inoculated to produce truffles. Nearby a purpose-built factory processes giants heaps of truffles collected by the 9,000 'pickers' into jars, cans, tubes of paste and bottles of flavoured oil. Pavlo and Bruno Urbani are proud of their achievements and say 'Although we have built a modern factory, unique in the world, we have not employed any peculiar or complicated techniques; only an ancient and traditional handicraft, improved by years of experience but above all, passion". The production cycle is in three stages - picking by the farmer with his dog in the woods; then washing in tanks of fresh water; and finally sterilisation, selection and classification.