33 tree' because it alone regularly produced over a kilo of perfect truffles each year. The Mayor and civic dignitaries of the Acqualagna provided a small reception in the evening at which Dr. Tocci, the Director of the Experi- mental Centre for Truffle Cultivation gave an illustrated talk. Meanwhile, the town square was being transformed with wooden structures and festoons for the start of the National Truffle Fair. A short journey next morning to Bt. Angelo in Vade, not far from the fabulous town of Urbino, birthplace of Raphael and one of the legendary places of the Renaissance, with its Ducal Palace, architectural wonders and great art heritage. St. Angelo in Vade, in the upper Pesaro Appenines of the Marches, is a rich zone -for the quality truffles and the Truffle Research Centre is established there. Dr. Tocci and associates organised an impressive tour where the various stages of the work in both laboratory and field were explained. A surprise 'Italian breakfast' had been laid on with regional air-cured hams, meats, truffle with chicory and fennel salad, truffle and thrush pate, rolled pork with red pepper stuffing, local cheeses, conference pears and muscat grapes, Monte—Conero wine, cake and vino Santo (a rich sweet 'Marsala' type dessert wine). Hospitality and friendliness overflowed and speeches were called for from each national representative. The amusing Chinese speaker likened his presence to that