42 and the tadpoles to develop without falling prey to Gold-fish, as happens in many ponds. When close to metamorphosing they were then taken to ponds in the Langdon Hills, managed by Basildon Natural History Society. In this way Great Crested Newts and both Frog and Toad had been returned to their former habitats. Of the more exotic species seen, Alpine Newts were present in some ponds. Tree Frogs and Edible Frogs were calling in the greenhouses and Fire Bellied Toads have been breeding in the garden. All in all a most successful afternoon was spent, thanks to the hospitality of our host. JOHN DOBSON BIRD GROUP MEETING - FISHERS GREEN AND RYE HOUSE MARSH, 21ST JANUARY, 1990 Fourteen members met on a cold grey morning in the usual car park venue at Fishers Green. Thirty—three species were seen, although the Water Rail proved elusive this year with only a fleeting glimpse of a Kingfisher, unlike last year, when several were seen for reasonably long periods. Notable sightings were Goldeneye (male and female), Goosander, Gadwall, and Shoveler with