45 unkind, a biting east wind faced the ten members walking along the towpath, so we were qlad to turn south towards Little Baddow church, following what a newly erected fingerpost told us was 'Admiral Machardy's Way'. It has to be admitted that nobody had heard of the Admiral, but it transpires that he was the first Chief Constable of the County in 1840 and the path had been walked only the previous day by 200 uniformed policemen to celebrate 150 years of the force! Perhaps this explains why we recorded only 26 species, all of which were residents, although one Chiffchaff was heard during our stop for lunch, before returning via the towpath with the wind now behind us. One sad note: a recently dead mute swan was seen in the river. JOHN BATH BIRD GROUP MEETING - FINGRINGHOE, 6TH MAY, 1990 A glorious, hot, sunny day and one of the finest venues in the County, yet only four members were present. The Warden gave an interesting introductory talk on recent management schemes carried out, which include the clearing of the far side of the lake and the formation of a sand cliff which had already attracted nesting Sand Martins and a Kingfisher.